Nov 15, 2005 12:22
It's finally getting colder...and rainier...and windier -_-
Well I wanted to come here so now I've to cope with the weather. It's not like I didn't know that Finland isn't one of the warmest countries on earth.
35 days. 5 weeks exactly. LeoLeoLeoLeoLeo xD
Today we want to go shopping...some really necessary stuff for Ruka LOL I'm sure we'll take pictures, so you'll know what we bought once we get back (on November the 28th I think). Don't want to spoil anything yet =P
After that we'll probably go to the Praha again. We're there like everyday which is actually a little sad already xD We have no life...and no other place to go where they'd let us in xDDD Furthermore we have the privilege that everytime someone looks like he's ABOUT to disturb us the doorkeeper is right at our table and sends him away or even kicks him out höhöhöhö. Sunday was the last time he did that. And when we left the bar he asked ("It talks to us pt. 745615") whether the other 2 guys who took the seats next to us bothered us as well *loool* AND we wouldn't be able to see "Mi Lady" and the "Vogel" if we went somewhere else. Can't miss that =P
Not long anymore and it's time for RUKA. PLUS I've 2-3 days OFF after 3,5 months of work. Oh joy :D And after that it won't be long before I'll fly back to Germany for Christmas. I'm kinda looking forward to those 2 weeks. Weird. Didn't think I'd feel this way a few weeks back. But maybe it's because I know that I'll get back here after 14 days. I'd be more than depressed if I had to get back for good. Don't know why I like Finland and especially Helsinki so much, I just do =(
OH! And what do my tired (red and puffy) eyes see outside? BLUE SKY! Far away and pretty small but STILL ...Se ei voi olla totta :D
Ok now, have some things to do before I've to pick up the girl from Kindergarten again. Only 3 more days and it's weekend :D *count*