I'm not doing so great on my NaNo. I have a lil' over 6 k. :(
My plot just kinda unraveled and I'm all blaaahhh about it right now. But that happens a lot. I suspect my muse has either gone back to Wales or something. lmao.
I just don't feel like writing. Well, most of the time. lol. Buuut i did kinda make my header a bit diffrent because the charachters I had in my original banner were char's. I stopped using or didn't use that much. lmao. So, I added some new ones I plan/ned to use more. lol.
Meh, I've not give up yet but I doubt I'll post it here. so the whole NaNo entries f-locked is kinda useless. lmao. But I might post some of it as
tamingthemuse stuff because i have like 16 weeks and I'm not about to start over. lol.
Opps. That means I've gotta get my butt in gear because it's Friday. lol. But I think I have something, so do not fear. lol. :) I'm so talking to myself, ain't I?
Oh, well. Why stop now. lmao.
And yeah, have you noticed my avi and the stuff i added to the top of my index post and bio? Hah. Check it out, seriously.