Apr 12, 2007 03:06
Three white male Duke Lacrosse players were charged with gang raping two black strippers at a party, the case has been in trial and District Attorney Mike Nifong has been leading the charge, getting these lacrosse players in jail... Mike Nifong has been on the news and seen by thousands of people saying that white on black violence goes unpunished. White America gets away with crimes against the African American minority and no one ever does anything about it. As a result Racial tensions have been high, the three lacrosse players have been getting death threats from black students, telling them that they will be shot to death if they don't get thrown in jail, or that they won't even get to hear the verdict before they are beaten to death outside the courthouse. The lacrosse season was canceled and the rest of the 42 man team and the whole school gets screwed. These three men's lives are ruined, even if they are proven innocent.. which is exactly what happened.
District Attorney Mike Nifong ordered DNA from all the defendants to be matched with DNA found under the alleged rape victims fingernails, and it turns out the DNA did not match, none of the men raped anybody.
But District Attorney Mike Nifong decided he has already started a huge racial battle, and he can't be seen as the loser, on top of that, this is re-election year for him, he wants to be re-elected and there is no better way to do that than put away three rapists and win a huge civil rights battle for the oppressed black people of his district. So he hides the evidence. He never lets anyone see it and he pushes on with the case for weeks, spiting racially charged lies while he knows all along that these men are innocent.
Finally the truth came out and the charges were dropped, and today the three men will be released from jail...
My point being, District Attorney Mike Nifong, used race maliciously to further his career and put three innocent people behind bars. He purposefully used the black community and stirred up feelings of hate a pain in the black community for his own selfish needs. He genuinely hurt people with his words and actions..
... but for some reason all we see on the news is Don Imus. Who said a stupid hurtful joke that he did not mean, (he called the Rutkers Womens Basketball Team a bunch of Nappy Headed Ho's) and he immediately apologized for it. But for some reason we don't just take his apology and move on. People like Al Sharpton say that they don't believe his apology, yet they believe he is a racist based on ONE JOKE. Don Imus has said he thinks it was a disgusting horrible thing to do and he should have never said it. He regrets it and apologized to the girls faces. Yet everyone is screaming RACIST!!! It is on the front page of every news source. Is there no system for politicians, comedians, actors, anyone to just apologize after saying one stupid thing and we all get over it? It would be different if he had a history of saying racist things, but he doesn't. He was just an old man, saying a stupid thing. So please everyone, get over it. There are much worse people like Mike Nifong who use words to hurt people for profit. Lets get his job instead. Lets throw him in jail and call him a racist. Forget about Don Imus, its making me sick.