Okay... since I was bored and really don't have anything better to do... here's a meme!!
I'm pretty sure I'm not extroverted, but I do have a progressive streak in me, and I like to think I'm intelligent. XD
Anyhoo, Out of the pics I kept getting, I did notice that I preferred the cubist or impressionist paintings more. I think... I prefer it when the artist puts more emphasis on the search for meaning rather than just pure artistic skill. That's not to say skilled paintings suck. By all means no. In fact, I absolutely love it when I can find abstract concepts in a a realistic work of art.
Your result for What Your Taste in Art Says About You Test...
Extroverted, Progressive, and Intelligent
10 Cubist, -13 Islamic, 0 Ukiyo-e, 8 Impressionist, 2 Abstract and -24 Renaissance!
Cubism was a 20th century avant-garde movement, pioneered by Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque
. It revolutionized European art and inspired changes in music and literature. The first branch of cubism, known as Analytic Cubism. It was both radical and influential as a short but highly significant art movement between 1908 and 1911 mainly in France. In its second phase, Synthetic Cubism, (using synthetic materials in the art) the movement spread and remained vital until around 1919.
People that chose Cubist paintings as their favorite art form tend to be very individualized people. They are more extroverted and less afraid of speaking their opinions then other people. They tend to be progressive and are very forward thinking. As the cubist painting is like looking into a shattered mirror where you can see different angles of the images, the people that prefer these paintings like looking at all angles of a problem. These people are intelligent and they are the transformers of our generation. They look beyond what is seen into what things could become. They are ready to leave the ideas of the past behind and look at what the future has to offer.
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