Apr 10, 2005 10:26
Hello everyone!! I am back, finally! I kno it has been almsost a month since I have written, but that's because I have been so busy. Lets see, going back... on March 31st Jimmy & I celebrated our *1 year* anniversary!!! Going even further back than that, on March 25 Jimmy's 17 year old cousin died in a car accident up in gainsville, and on our 1 year anniversary was her viewing. So to say the least that way was full of bitter sweet emotions. I did get to meet a lot of his family members tho, so that was nice. But it's been rough, his aunt who works with him and his dad (his cousins mom) is not doing so well. *sigh* So because of the loss, Easter wasn't such a happy day (she passed away two days prior) but we did go to Outback with Jimmy's dad, stepmom and brothers to celebrate his b-day early. Lets see, so our anniversary, then what else? Oh yea my stupid ass of a brother is back in jail. Let's just say that's where he wants to be and it's the best place for him. But it's so unfair for Tiffany and the kids. They are coming up here on teh 15th, so I am very happy about that. Work is going good, I am being trained to work customer relations, which I like a lot. School is going real good, almost over too!!! For anyone who knows what I have gone through medically over the past year or so, I had to have that same procedure done again two days ago, so I'm kinda sore... I just wish it would go away. Grandpa is having surgery on Thursday... so I took off work and am gona be there for him... My dad has been talking to my MOM a lot lately, and been going to her house and my grandparents a lot lately... whatever... lol Jeff proposed to Joey on Wednesday, but it was expected... she gave him an ultimatum... how romantic and memorable is that? Not very!! Definetly wouldnt be excited about a proposal that you kinda demanded. But oh well, we'll see how long that lasts. Today we are going to my mom's house for Jimmy's birthday dinner. He will be 27 tomorrow!!! :o) I hope it will be a nice day today! Tati comes home soon!!! I can't wait! Jess is leaving for UCF in the fall : ( Meg I liked your pics! Specially the one of just you, it was a really cute pic! and Courtney supposedly is gona be moving out of state sometime.... we'll see bout that! lol So that about wraps up the past few weeks with me... it has been very hectic. I will try to update more often, didn't mean to worry anyone! :o) Hope everyone is doing good! XoXoX Bye for now!