I hope my mouse burns in the fires of hell...

Apr 14, 2006 23:44

Optical mice are great...until the little red light decides to blink on and off continually!! And as if that weren't annoying enough, being interrupted every few seconds, but it feels the need to chime loudly every time it feels this constant need to STOP WORKING!!! ...right so buy a new computer mouse, check.

This post is going to be random... like at any possible second I could throw in a really embarrassing photo of anybody!! It could be you!!!... Hmm lets see who to choose, who to choose... ah yes, a certain somebody who made promises of scrap booking and I never got so much as a phone call. *sniff*...

Jessie, this is for you.

So, maybe I should put something relevant in this post... how about whats new with me!? Seeing as this is my journal, I think its fitting!

OK lets see, as far as work goes, I am learning a lot being a housekeeper at the Civic Hospital and making tons of money! The hours are long and the work is hard, but the breaks are fair and I am really enjoying learning about all of the different things that go on in the hospital. (That and I have somehow managed to get two jobs where scrubs are mandatory, I get to live in PJs!)Yesterday I was working in an area specifically for the treatment and prevention of the dreaded, DVT!
(Deep Vein Thrombosis http://hcd2.bupa.co.uk/fact_sheets/mosby_factsheets/Deep_Vein_Thrombosis.html)

I only get to work at the animal hospital once a week now but I love it and I am making good progress with the little orange tabby Franklin that we took in mid December. He started out not even able to be in the same area as people and now he is touching my hand with his paw, and playing with toys!! He is still very afraid but he is doing so well! (can you tell I'm proud =P)

Aristotle the bunny rabbit is doing extremely well and is more spoiled then ever! He gets free range of the clinic when he wants it, peeled sweet potato and many other treats from all of the employees and he plays with our clinic cat O'Malley for 30 mins every morning (they love to chase each other and cuddle - sooo cute)

On the school side of things I am now finished my year of Biology at Carleton, just waiting for my final grades... not that they really matter but that is another story... well I guess if you've read this far you have nothing better to do so I might as well explain the whole thing!

I have been trying to get into the Vet Tech program at Algonquin for three years now, and I have been wait listed everytime (119th last year...) This time I had a letter of recommendation from Dr. Hurdle at the animal hospital I've been working at for 4 YEARS! But apparently because a letter is not a requirement for the course, it will go in my file, but won't be considered, not fair to the high school students I'm told. *ROAR* And the year I took at Carleton, unless my bio mark was higher than my bio mark in high school (which it obviously wasn't, this course was MUCH harder) they won't considered it either.

So where does this leave me?

...On the waiting list again. But Kingston has accepted me for the second year in a row, and the program will leave me with the title of Technologist as opposed to Technician which means more money in the long run. So I'm going to their orientation next Friday, and I'm going to start house hunting!

Unless I somehow magically get into Algonquin, I'm heading for Kingston come September. Both scary, and exciting.

But enough school/work talk, Its SUMMER VACATION! lets talk about fun things like cottages, and swimming, and hiking, and horse riding, and a million other things that I will be doing! Not to mention that I get to go see my family out west the summer, and its my Grandma's 90th birthday this December so I might even get to go out west twice this year!! *Squeals*

Random Quote:

"If your friend is already dead, and being eaten by vultures, I think it's okay to feed some bits of your friend to one of the vultures, to teach him to do some tricks. But only if you're serious about adopting the vulture."

- Jack Handy (pure genius)

Lets see, how else can I manage to further waste your time?

Take this quiz at QuizGalaxy.com

OK I think that this is quite long enough for now.

I've got a symbol in my driveway
I've got a hundred million dollar friends
I've got you a brand new weapon
lets see how destructive we can be...
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