No posts in three days? When's the last time that happened? Anyway, now that this chapter is done (finally!) I'm taking a short break from IY writing to work on some other stuff. A DN oneshot that has been sitting around undone for a month...I have 10,000 IY things to finish, I know, but it seems like I can't live without multitasking. Then I'm going to get Displaced done even if it kills me. And of course I'll try not to go two months between updates on PP&F again. With the way this chapter ends, I couldn't do that to everyone XD There aren't many chapters of this tale left. Five or six at most. Honestly, I don't know what the response will be to the ending, but it is what it is and I'm not changing it. I had enough anxiety over the pairing sorta introduced in this chapter...I swear, I've been debating this entire fic whether or not they should be a couple or just friends.... And couple won out in the end. Hopefully it flies well. Next chappie should be a future one.
I'd also like to express my distaste for greedy one-shots that balloon to ridiculous sizes and demand to be chapter fics. I have two of them currently gnawing at me. Just what I need. Nggggh. Plot bunnies go away, plz. You're not even IY plot bunnies! *swats* One started out as a Kuro shinigami origins piece, and it still mainly is, but it somehow became enormous. The other is for a Kuro pairing that doesn't even exist if you go by XD. Undertaker/Maylene, but it's not crack, I swear! It too has become something much larger than I would have liked, but oh well. I'm just going with the flow here. My morbid little muse is laughing hysterically at me....And Imma try to write as much of these as I can before I bombard everyone with them :P
Also adding that the final episode of IY Kanketsu-hen was awesomesauce. I have never fangirled very hard at Inu/Kag moments, but I couldn't help myself this time around. I've also come to terms with being addicted to Lady Gaga. Thank you very much for playing her music videos, Fuse....Telephone is stuck in my head like some awfully awesome glue.
Chapter 14: Demon's Arrow
Summary: His arrow never misses. Never.
here to read at