Working Overtime

Mar 22, 2010 09:24

Kuro flashfic. Written for....well, nothing. Just 'cause I wanted to. XD Will be added to a collection on sooner or later.

Title: Working Overtime
Fandom: Kuroshitsuji
Author: silenttaiyoukai 
Rating: PG
Word Count: ~400
Characters: Grell, William T. Spears
Summary: William mentors Grell in the ways of the shinigami.

When William began his training as a shinigami his mentor had told him, between giggles, that he was a hundred times more likely to be struck by lightning than to reap a soul that would be reborn into a shinigami, especially since he would mostly be working in the dispatch department. In a way, William almost wished he had been struck by lightning instead. It probably would have been less agonizing than training Grell Sutcliff.

William sighed and closed his eyes, pushing his glasses higher on the bridge of his nose. He heard a faint snipping noise, and when he opened his eyes again pieces of cinematic record were floating into the air, detached from the man they were passing judgment on. William’s eyes narrowed dangerously.

“This death scythe is so average,” the red reaper beside him mused, twirling his scythe around. “I wonder if there’s a way to modify it…”

“Mr. Sutcliff!” William yelled, and Grell cringed away from him. “You obviously have not listened to one word I’ve said. You must watch at least five years worth of cinematic record before passing judgment! Now look what you’ve done,” he said, gesturing toward the fresh corpse. With a sigh, he stamped the man’s judgment as complete, despite the botched job Grell had done.

“But Will! This one’s life was so boring! I don’t want to sit through that!” Grell whined and spun around on his heel, latching on to William’s arm. “I want to see something more dramatic!”

Grell looked up at him with that deadly smile, but William only scoffed. He roughly pulled out of Grell’s hold, letting him fall flat on his face. Grell sat up and adjusted his glasses, feeling the bridge of his nose to make sure it wasn’t broken.

“That’s no way to treat a lady!” Grell yelled.

“The files on record with the office have you listed as male, so that is what I treat you as. And do not call me Will.”

“Fine, William,” Grell said, and took a hold of William’s left leg. William kicked him away, and Grell whimpered.

“We’re wasting time. We have eleven more souls to reap tonight, and I’ve worked overtime the last three nights because of your incompetence. Hopefully I can clock out on time today…”

William started down the alleyway with Grell yelling after him, his heels clicking wildly on the cobblestones.

It was going to be another long night of overtime.

character: william t. spears, character: grell sutcliff, !ficpost, collection: the devil's contract, fandom: kuroshitsuji

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