
Aug 21, 2006 20:42

So I am back. I'm going to try and update this more often since I haven't in six months. I really want to try this again. It was fun when I did it in 8th grade and I kind of miss it. I'm gonna need to join new communities and make new friends. I'm going to try it.

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Comments 7

diggin4basura December 1 2010, 02:47:48 UTC

im so sorry to bother you again. i downloaded the open office program and i learned to save in excel format, everything is funcioning and all, except the file is required to save in "xlsx", and the drop down menu will only let me save as "xls". Do you have any idea how save in "xlsx"?

again, sorry to bother you again :P


silentsymphonie December 1 2010, 02:50:42 UTC
.xlsx is the newest version of Microsoft Excel's program. If you save the file .xls (the older version) it will still open in the newer versions of Excel because it is backwards compatible.


diggin4basura December 1 2010, 02:53:28 UTC
yeah i know but when i try to submit my assignment online it says that it is REQUIRED in .xlsx format, not xls. Im guessing i need to find a program online that converts files?


silentsymphonie December 1 2010, 02:55:30 UTC
I suppose so. That's really weird that it won't let you submit it. I don't really know where to tell you where to go.


Welcome! library_of_sex July 19 2011, 22:54:35 UTC
Hey there, Caroline! Just wanted to thank you for joining sexy_mood_music. I hope you'll enjoy the wide range of graphics and music we've offered so far!

Feel free to contribute song upload links to our monthly music-sharing post and to promote whatever you want in our monthly pimping post! The links to both are on the top of our main page (not the profile). Take care! :)


P.S. If you'd like to help promote through your own journal or userinfo, please feel free to snag a banner at the link below. [Please do upload it to your own server though so the comm doesn't exceed its Photobucket bandwidth limit!]



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