(no subject)

Feb 26, 2004 06:13

So I didn't make callbacks. But it's alright. I'll live. Since the fact that callbacks don't mean I won't be in the play. But I don't think I'll be in the play, well at least on stage. My audition was not something spectacular, not something worth putting in a play. But if I don't get in the play I will be on tech. So life will go on. It will be fun to be on tech.

Oh as a shout out I would like to applaud Demi(aerinbooke) on the full split she did during the dance audition! It was beautiful!

So on to other news. IT SNOWED! But that got school cancelled. I hate it when school is cancelled for more than one day, so lets pray that it's not cancelled tommarrow. Even though it will be! Oh well. I guess it doesn't matter.
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