Oct 21, 2003 14:52

i know my birthday is like two months away..but it's never too early to let all you know ...


001:requium of a dream
002:how to deal
003:dirty dancing

001:magnetic letters
002:silver rings that have cool designs like butterflies or skulls or something cute like that..
003:anything with polka-dots (bags, shirts, etc..)
004:scarves.. cool colored one and homemade ones and really long ones ..any kind at all! i love them! <33
005:a kitten :as my heart melts:
006:smelly votave candles ..mmm

001:edamame..i cant find them except for at the sushi place
002:beverages! cream soda and root bear and fruit flavored seltzer water

things to do:
001:road trip to anywhere.. please
002:ice skating!! =D
003:dinner! hebachi dinner!

also: mail/homemade things are appreciated
i'd really love a package from someone i dont usually talk to or havn't seen in the longest time. that would mean so much to me.. even if i talk to you every day make me one! it doesn't matter to me.. those packages kick so much ass.
five page letters and cute notes and stickers from concerts and cool things that remind me of them! ah okay im done. ♥

thanks you now get it for me ♥
dead line: december 7, 2003 xxxx
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