Aug 13, 2005 17:46
AHHH omg man i hate fucking marching band soooooooooo muchie-o!!!! i wanna smoosh it!! oh well and school starts wednseday! n0o0o0o oh well i get to see my friends YAY!!!!! i miss jared...even though i just saw him yesterday! lol oh well yippy missa is making an xanga....damn i have like EVERYTHING!!1 live journal, vampirefreaks, myspace, xanga, photo bucket, and some other gay websites with profiles you can make friends on like myspace and vampirefreaks! lol well i have no more to say! so i guess imma go ill write/update this lataz! itz been a while i know! lol ONLY 38 MORE DAYS TIL I GET OFF PROHBATION!!!!!! SCOREEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!! *dances naked* haha peace out bitches!