This is where the world drops off

May 19, 2013 02:24

He didn't want to leave, and Olivia finally left him alone to grieve in the room that had once been Peter's, but that now stood barren and empty. Aside from some unsightly spraypaint on the exterior, it was as if they'd never lived here at all. And that hurt too, made it feel as if Peter was trying to erase himself from Roman's life, when Roman still needed him. Roman had done everything he could, he'd even let Letha have the only person he'd ever truly cared about, only person he wanted like this. He'd done everything to keep Peter here, with him, and now he was gone without so much as goodbye.

His eyes were ringed in red, those greens wet and they glistened like emeralds and not their usual soft jade. He needed Peter back. And that was really all that mattered. He just needed Peter; what it cost to get him didn't matter. He just needed to see him, touch him, hear the low rasp of his voice and the growl of the wolf moving through trees.

He loved him.

He hadn't realized it before then, hadn't realized it until he'd been sobbing on the floor of his trailer, but he did. He'd never loved anyone before, how could he have possibly been expected to notice?

When you realize you mean it when you say I'd do anything, that opens up a certain array of possibilities. Like lines drawn in chalk, and words voiced as he stood in that lonely trailer. Demons, at least, were supposed to keep their word. He didn't care what it cost him, what they wanted; his life, his soul, his fortune. As long as he was allowed some time with Peter, it didn't matter.

He dropped the match.

crowley/roman, post-season, peter/roman, supernatural

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