Nov 03, 2006 00:03
It rained here today.
Or last night.
Not sure.
I was up until 4:30am with homework, then slept till 6:30 am, went to Carson City and presented to a high school class. Came back about 10, slept all day.
Walking to work, it was gorgeous out. Dark, wet, cool but not quite cold. Almost perfect.
Most of the time we don't see who we are to other people. Sometimes we don't see who we are ourselves. Sometimes a moment could last forever, and other times all we could possibly want is for a moment to end.
It's just rough having all of that in a day.
November 1st. Day of the Dead. All Saints Day for all you who so choose. Midwinter is the next big holiday I'm watching for. Thanksgiving is in between, but not as big as my midwinter.
November 2nd. Today. Had a certain 'morning after' syndrome I can't explain to any who don't already know. Surreal.
Can you feel it?