I was asked in an email a moment ago, what I thought about every day of the week. Now, this is perfect timing, because i'm in a pretty irritated mood right now... Here's my response:
- Sundays: Don't care about the mornings, because i'm usually asleep during them. Same for the afternoons. But the evenings? HATE them. Why? Because they're the first day in a roller coaster week.
- Mondays: Usually everyone's in a pissy mood, because it's the day they're back at work, or back at school... or the day they're back to having to put up with everyone else, when if everyone else didn't exist they'd be content. In short? I fucking loathe Mondays.
- Tuesdays: They're usually pretty shitty, as well. Everyone's got their plans, and Mom's usually bitchy, because Tuesdays, she's too tired to do anything, and Dad's at work and CAP.
- Wednesdays: They're usually BLAH filled. They're like, the middle of good and bad. Usually there are bad things that happen towards the end of the evening... My theory was prove true earlier, actually... I was having a great day. And then, I got a phone call. Chain-reaction DRAMAFUCKTARDEDBULLSHIT.
- Thursdays: BORING AS FUCK. Blah filled. And... blah. ^.^
- Fridays: Everyone's all rush-rush-gotta finish this shit before-such and so- until the evening... when they want to party, or relax. Unless of course, they have work the next day. And then, they're grumpy. What's that got to do with me? Uhm... I have nothing to do unless someone else wants to do something? And as nothing uncommon, I'm affected by people around me and their moods. Heheh.
- Saturdays: They are probably the only day that I can say that I don't complain about more than once.
I'm going to start working with canvas and oils... and I know the first design i'm going to do... it's going to involve flames, an eclipse, and a rune. Don't know what rune yet... but I drew out a basic sketch that looks badass. ^.^
I walked a friend of mine to his car earlier, and on the way back to my apartment, I had to kinda stop... I noticed that there were like, three or four tunnels or something of swirling leaves... and that the tree was swaying side to side... the swings were going back and forth... I got this, quote, and the urge to sway as well: "Winter, spring, summer, fall. the world is dancing, dance for all." It's odd. I know. I'm trying to figure out if i've heard that quote somewhere before, and if I have, from where.
I want to bitch about something... but I somewhat doubt that that -something- isn't done yet, so... i'm going to wait. Heheh