So I have a shiny shiny new iPod speaker system, with radio and a clock beside, and the sound is great and it's all just very shiny. It was my present for finding the afikoman, which I did in like a minute, hahahahaha. It was folded inside the drapes, and apparently Aba had insisted that it was too hard and I would never find it and HA. Too many years of Eema's fiendish hiding places and getting really creative about Mrs. Smith's Santa have made me a canny player of small-object-in-a-room-hide-and-seek, you guys.
Oh and hey, um, #amazonfail? Because they've taken the ranking systems off books deemed "adult," by which I mean anything to do with homosexuality, such as Heather Has Two Mommies or The Well of Sadness, which means that they won't come up on bestseller lists or certain searches and stuff like that. Books with explicit heterosexual sex or, y'know, dogfighting or something are totally cool still. Happy Easter, amazon, Aba was going to buy a $100 set of speakers from you, and I was debating buying Doctor Who Season One from you too, because you're, y'know, convenient and cheap. But really, I sort of think that "non-discriminatory" trumps "convenient and cheap," so... bye.
List of books that have had their sales rank removed: I heard about it on Sam's Cafe- the post is, and the following couple of posts have updates on the situation, and from there you can follow links for more information.
Anyway, that's it fer now. Back to your regularly scheduled fangirl squee.