KRONK: Live long and preposterous.

Dec 18, 2006 21:08

1. Everytime you get tea, no matter the flavor, you say out loud, "Computer. Tea. Earl Grey. Hot." oops.
2. You become addicted to Earl Grey tea. guilty.
3. You watch 5 hours or more of Star Trek every day... um. Shut up.
4. You decided that Spike TV is tolerable, because it plays 5 hours of Star Trek. it's true.
5. Suddenly, your sketch book and notebooks are filled with doodles of your favorite characters, or your own personal Vulcan character. Mmmmaybe.
6. You start rping as your favorite star trek character. ha! No!
7. You start a star trek rpg group. I don't! Hahaha!
8. Decidedly, rping isn't enough so you create an lj journal for your character that you attempt to update on a daily basis. I DON'T DO THAT I'M STILL COOL.
9. You think paying $50 for a TNG season is a good deal. oh wait no I'm not.
10. Hell. You'll settle for $70 as a good deal. This maybe no. But maybe yes, so darn.
11. You start buying dolls of your favorite charaters off E-bay. I'm not quite that bad yet.
12. You get a strong, strong desire to start calling your cats "Spot." But... Spot!
13. You believe Tasha and Data could have made an adorable couple. Well, I was a little bitter on his behalf when she was all "this never happened" because come on, he deserves more of an explanation than that, but really I think he's too good for her.
14. You believe that Odo and Kira are the cutest couple in Star Trek history. LUXANA/ODO FOREVER, Kira sucks. But I don't think I can keep that as a check for my coolness, because it just means I suck more.
15. You know the song, "Life forms" and sing it. Catchy tune, that. Yeah but I learned it from John. Except that's kind of worse.
16. You check the mail religiously, everyday, for your Star Trek e-bay items. No! No I don't!
17. You buy a pin that looks like the communication badge, and place it on your favorite hoodie or the proper location on the left side. I kind of wish. Then I hit myself in the head and die.
18. actually pretend its useable, and tap it in public, and talk out loud to your "Captain." I would, and then I would be so ashamed.
19. When your best friend buys one, you both take part in this. And one of you is labeled "Captain." and the other "Number One." I would never delegate a friend of mine to the role of Riker. Riker's dumb.
20. You recieve e-cards signed by "The Captain." I recieved an e-mail once from "John Hennessey, Esq.", which is pretty much the same thing.
21. you collect star trek icons for lj and other community sites. ...yes.
22. your pictures file is full of random images of your favorite characters. But they're so pretty!
23. Your little brother(or sister) is influenced into being a Trekkie. N/A, and I haven't converted anyone else.
24. You tell your mom you are cultured...because you watch Star Trek and learn about various Alien cultures. no.
25. watching the science channel becomes another hobby. I don't get the scifi channel, but I'd like to, because SG1 and SGA and I should probably see BSG at some point. But that has nothing to do with Star Trek.
26. A new interest/fascination in outer space occurs. Nah. Really I don't care much for astronomy.
27. You don't watch TNG only because of the characters, but because of the philosophical and pyschological themes that arise. Maybe a little. But I argue with them a lot.
28. You take out your elf ears, put them on, and tell your family you're a Vulcan. They were Vulcan ears and I pretended they were elf ears. So there!
29. You get a strong desire to design Futuristic clothing. It'd be better looking than their uniforms, that's for darn sure!
30. You begin to find older, balding men kind of attractive, but ONLY if they resemble Picard. Because he's sexy. Well, he is.
31. You tell your friends which crew member reminds you of them. I'm not that bad.
32. Jokes about physics are suddenly hilarious. This shouldn't count. They've always been hilarious.
33. You refuse to answer the phone while watching Star Trek...because it would be an interruption. Mmmyes.
34. OR. You do answer the phone, you scold the other person for interrupting your favorite tv show. Only if it's someone I know well enough to be rude to.
35. You wonder if contact with aliens is possible, and gaze up at the sky sending out mental notes asking, "Is anyone out there?" KRONK: Repeat after me- there are no such thing as space people.
36. You believe Data brings a whole new sexiness to gambling. OH SHIBI HE TOTALLY DOES. I mean *cough*. No! I can't even! Data gambling is the best thing ever, ever, ever! I fell off the sofa alternately cheering and cracking up.

Alright, so I've gone over to the Dark Side.

but i mean. come on. Look at this man. LOOK AT THIS MAN. CHECK OUT ALL HIS EVIL SEXINESS.


atlantis, bsg, lord of the rings, star trek

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