Jun 22, 2004 01:02
Reading webcomics. Kinda hungry, kinda tired, but don't feel like getting up and remedying either. Waving around a plastic tomahawk. My stomach is cramping like there's no tomorrow, but Eema says I shouldn't take any painkillers this late.
So... yeah. I'm sure you all needed to know that. What else does one say at one in the morning? Note to me: call Mark tomorrow, reschedule lesson, because I have to leave for Credo on July 4th.
I don't even want to go to Credo. I never wanted to go to Credo. Eema wanted me to go to Credo. Therefore, I am going to Credo. Story of my life.
Actually I don't have it so bad, compared to a lot of kids. But she promised me, during the school year when I was kinda breaking down a lot, that I wouldn't have to go anywhere I didn't want to go over the summer. Look where I'm going, and guess where I don't want to go.
Yes, I know I should stop complaining, because it really isn't much and it really doesn't matter but GUESS WHAT, I find that I simply Do Not Care. And my midsection isn't helping matters one bit.
I guess I just need to go to sleep, before my whining annoys you any more.