(no subject)

Nov 06, 2013 14:25

Oh man, did I ever screw up managing this household - both in trying to get it in line with the 'story' of the overall neighborhood, and in generally handling some behind the scenes things. For you, dear readers, it boils down to a LOT happening.

Frank starves to death, and dies on the way inside to eat. Canry makes an honest try to win his soul back, but picks the wrong hand and Grimmy mocked her gleefully.

Considering Lily had become a child only that morning, his death was at really awkward timing. By the way, if I haven't mentioned it before Iris is a family sim.

Rampaging mourning aside, Canry rolled immediately the want to fall in love again. So it was off to the market . . where, as you can see, she had some good luck.

Some very good luck, in the form of Brand Broke. I'm not sure what it is, but she seems to draw in cute black-haired men like she's the brightest rose in a field of daisies.

Or maybe it's the farmgirl charm. Either way, they're married before she leaves the market.

Which is a good thing, considering she's pregnant during all this.

There's a quiet patch that follows, as the girls study for school, Canry incubates and hatches out her latest spawn (little Orchid here), and life just keeps on going. And the Produce Paradise set up again.

Oh, and Iris discovers girls. Specifically one girl - Stella Smith. She'd also flipped her lid and heartfarted up a storm for Polly Wrightly, but Polly doesn't dig the ladies.

She'd also discovered new lengths of patience dealing with her youngest sister.

But Orchid had b on the edge at some point or another. The lil' tyke was one of the incredibly needy types.

And then Lily aged up. As a teen, I personally think she's adorkable, which goes with being a knowledge sim. I forsee some adorable dorkiness from her.

While I haven't picked her secondary, I suspect it's family - she's really good with toddlers.

But a little too late - between exhaustion, a farm, a pregnancy, and a produce store to keep up, one whiney toddler ended up a bit neglected. The little family was devastated - this was the youngest! The last full sister of Iris and Lily! Not that they'd care any less for their new sisters (and their silent questions of if their mom was nuts, having so many kids), but Orchid was a special reminder of their dad.

This grief didn't keep Iris from dying her hair in order to take her relationship with Stella to a new level. She had to wash all the bedsheets afterwards.

And Canry found things post-baby tough as well. Woman, if you'd stop treating your uterus like a clown car . . .

Not that she listened to me. She got pregnant again pretty shortly after this.

But life marches on, and so does school.

And angst does not dampen teenage hormones for long. Meet Zenari Zoma, one of the endless horde that the Gravetenders are producing. And the light of Lily's teenage heart.

Teenage shenanigans are discreetly supervised nowadays - gardening needs to happen, after all - but Zenari's a good boy. For a troll. Which boils down to yes, he's just as randy as she is. He just got 'the talk' about getting a girl knocked up as soon as he became a teenager - on his birthday.

And afternoon dates goofing around really aren't that bad. Especially when your stepfather is distracted by the family cat. (For all her fussiness, Empress Kim has been a blessing in disguise for keeping moods up)

Plus supervision tends to go inside when its dinnertime.

During all this, Petunia aged up into a cute little girl. Honestly, she hasn't done much to distinguish herself from her sisters - other than that she acts very much on the serious side. Reading the paper keeps her pretty happy . . despite her having nearly five points in playful and only one in nice.

Canry's been waddling around. This pregnancy has been hell on her - she's either exhausted, or starving, and frequently both. Ominous.

In fact, it's on the fourth or fifth group date that things come to a head. Necking outside . .

. . . tickling inside . . all of it left to the wayside in very short order. Why?

It's spawning time! And before anybody really recovers, she pops out a second.

Canry then proceeded to give birth to a THIRD . .

And a freaking fourth . . .AUGH. I think she's intent on driving me crazy. They're all girls! Your uterus is not a clown car!.

Thankfully she's only got a small time slot left in which she can still get pregnant . . . but rules are rules - she rolled the ten kids want. It's locked and her pregnancy buffer in the mod is set to max - if she wants to, it's up to her to breed out the last two she needs.

That night she promised to take her responsibilities seriously and pull as much of the weight and responsiblity as she should. HA. I doubt anybody believes her by now, crazy breeding machine she is.

But seriously, can they keep up with the demands of FOUR infants? And then four toddlers? I've already had Child Services at this house once, and at my last household of quads . . but on the other hand, Canry and Brand do have two teenagers still in the house, and wee Petunia won't be short for that long.

bacc: creekside, weivtnasaelp, sims 2, bacc: week 3, bacc, 10kids

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