(no subject)

Nov 07, 2007 00:45

I  must, MUST, must clean my apt. tomorrow.
it's fucking gross.

and my car
because it's fucking gross as well.

also, i have a bitch-load of studying.
fucking shit man, i have alot to do.

and hi, geico. YOU SUCK.
send me the claim check already so my car can get fixed, shit.

and huffines, you suck too. I need my car fixed and you haven't called to tell me the parts are in.

and while i'm at it, little indian man that hit me, you suck too.

hah, man. working alot, school-ing alot.
not enough cleaning, not enough sleep and way too much late-night coffee.
oh, and way too much slackin'

i need to get on the ball.

i'm in a great mood.
Dallas and I are getting along just fine and my friends are becoming MORE amazing as I get to know them better.
i need a picture post already. soon, very soon my friends!


p.s: Have you ever noticed that advertising postcards usually have a "p.s."? You know why?

i know why.
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