Nursing School: Day 2

Aug 26, 2010 13:56

It was another early long day, but I feel good about it and about starting the program in general. I finally feel this sigh of relief. I know it's going to be a challenging 4 semesters, but I'm relieved because I'm doing something. I'm learning real basic and core nursing skills and not just studying microorganisms, anatomy, physiology, chemistry isolated but integrated into the career. I did well with my check off for vital signs and am stoked at being able to hear the sounds when taking blood pressure. Things are still intimidating and a little frightening to think about but right now that feeling manages to remain.

The first lab skills day was a nice ease into the semester, mainly covering the syllabus and vitals. But it was a bit stressful when many of my classmates and I heard that we would already have to be moderately proficient at taking BPs (other vitals aren't too bad) within the next two days. I heard "something" once out of the 15+ times I practiced on peers and the majority who weren't already used to taking them were faring about the same.

I'd only had 5 hours of sleep the night before (6 hours last) and ended up napping a good 3 hours after class. I got mom to help me with practicing for a good 40 minutes and found out what a help practicing on someone you know and in a quiet place is. Did the two cousins BPs afterward and felt confident that the next day wouldn't be as bad as I thought.

I'm slowly getting to meet my classmates. I know quite a few by name now, but have only talked extensively to 4 or 5 -- Sheila, Trang, Kaley, Shannon, Khadijah, and Teresa -- so far.

All right, break over for now, will get back to reading in reviewing subjects in a few minutes.

nursing, real life

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