Klaatu Verada Nicktu

Jul 27, 2004 14:30

Well, it's been a few days since last post, but thats because my home internet is sucky and I have been away from work the past couple of days, thereby removing me from this fantasitc high-speed data transfer networking hub.

I will say that the past few days have been a challenge. Bec has been out of town, but thankfully Jam Master J and Kellybean have been kind enough to occupy some of my time with thier sometimes silly, sometimes thought provoking, but always kind and entertaining rhetoric. I enjoy their phone calls.

I have been trying to be productive while Bec is out of town, but I find that it's hard to do; As depressing or co-dependant as this may sound, I find my will to live short when she is not present. Now. . . I don't mean I want to take a razor to my wrists when she's not around, I just mean I get real lazy and find it hard to motivate myself with activities I would normally find energy for if she was present.

I did manage to do half of the dishes yesterday, but I want her to have a nice spotless house when she gets home. Partly because I know I like the feeling of coming home to a clean house, but mostly because she tends to do the once-a-week deep cleaning all the time while I usually just do the "maintanance" cleaning throughout the week.

I am at work and have to go, but I'll be back Diary, just you wat, I'll be back.
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