Part of me wants to get obsessively organized for my move to Atlanta. You know: plan furniture, design optimal grocery lists, iron clothing. But, that seems a little over-the-top. I rationalise (relative) inaction fearing that micro-management will be unsustainable, and thus unproductive, in the long run. Despite this, I'm torn.
SO, I'm just planning the fuck out of some other deals. New computers, Costa Rica, GMail.
Early yesterday morning, I watched the documentary The Wild Parrots of Telegraph Hill last night. The film chronicles Mark Bittner's maintaining of a flock of Cherry-Headed Conures in the Bay Area. I found it truly refreshing. Maybe it was his compassion. Or, maybe his passion for passions.
Mark discusses at length the idiosyncrasies of the birds - especially the need for a second half whether it's male or female or even of the same species. For one, each bird needs another to clean the feathers behind its neck; but, more importantly, the birds rely on one another for emotional support and for companionship. Throughout the movie, you get a sense of the camaraderie he enjoys and the relationships he's able to form.