Dec 30, 2007 10:57
I really like my XM. It's nice to browse through the rock stations, or put some light jazz on in the background, or listen to random bits of stand-up while I do other stuff. It's a very Background-Noise Centric type of radio. But it needs to stop billing itself as commercial free. It isn't even close to commercial free. I heard 3 minutes worth of advertisements for other XM stations, online gambling sites, their own station (including letting you know which station you are listening to), and some other website I forget, right after a George Carlin bit. And they're BORING commercials. It's like that for every station, too.
XM Radio is definitely worth the 13 a month, but don't feed us the no-commercials bullshit. I don't mind the commercials, just admit that you have them.