Okay, the person who does the translation of my birth certificate has to be fluent in French and sign the translation and a statement of fluency and effort before a notary public (I have a feeling that I know a notary public as well - anyone remember who it is?):
I, [insert full first and last name], certify that I am fluent in English and in [insert language other than English]. I have translated the [insert the document] to the best of my belief and ability.
Back from BC, brother got married despite the best efforts of a huge thunderstorm - we were worried that the tent would get struck by lightening or blown over by the wind. I got half soaked trying to secure the flaps, it was kinda fun! And no heatstroke for anyone, though the videographer came close during the sunny part of the day (the ceremony was done by the time the rain came).
cris is DJing at Down with Tempo, so I'll be there for the first part of the evening at least (go go Pacific Time jet lag).