Feb 20, 2009 10:31
Gah, I went over a big bump and my bike computer fell off this morning. I was able to rescue it before any cars smashed it, but it somehow managed to bounce in just the right way to reset *everything*. My odo was about to hit 9000 miles too. :/ I have to look up how to reset the wheel circumference when I get home, it's not reporting accurate velocity, and the clock's off too. Hrmph.
A car passed me with something hanging from the rear view mirror, it was either a pair of chili peppers that had faded to a light pink, or two tiny fingers suspended from chains.
I was all happy when a large delivery truck waited to turn left until after I passed a side street, but then the car behind it started honking. :/ It really bugs me when people honk at vehicles stopped to turn, they can't see why the person in front chose to stop, and it's usually for safety reasons. Honking is just going to stress out the driver and the potential biker or pedestrian who's happily crossing in safety. :/
I also did a friends list trim, I need to cut down my reading time. My elbow is starting to hurt again and oddly enough it gets worse when I'm passively reading rather than actively coding - it stays still in a bad position I guess, and I don't get prompted to take breaks because I'm not interacting with the keyboard or mouse very frequently. I'll, as usual, add people back when things calm down.
on the way to work