Happy Birthday Regina Renee Perkins
Ok, so..
Ive been talking to Crystal, and she had sworn Ray broke up with "the blonde bimbo". But I really dont know. So, she is just going to flat out say "Ray, do you have a girlfriend, because I need to know, because someone wants to ask you to homecoming.." Or something like that.
Crystal is cool like that.
Went to a party last night. Down on Border Rd. I saw Steve Newton!!! That made it fun. Some other people in my classes were there. Ray wasnt there, but Josh Beachy was on his way. Which made me happy. But Dani decided to leave right before he got there. And she was all like "Oh you can stay" Oh yea, let me tell you... Im gonna stay, the only sober person, alone at this party with like... 50 people... 45 of which I dont know. Haha.
She wanted to go see Sean. Who's back from Boot Camp for 10 days. Why'd you have to see him last night? 10 is a long time.
It better've been worth it Danielle....
I almost crashed my car. I took a wrong turn down a dirt road, so when I turned around I hit the gas, and seeing as how my tires were lacking tred, they spun... And so did Crystal and I...

Sorry it's so tiny. At the top it says "U-Turn here" then where the roads meet it says "supposed to turn here" then above that it says "how my car turned (I didnthave control)"