Dec 23, 2004 20:25
It's the horrible time of the year--where everyone and everything seems to go bad for some reason or another. Maybe it's becuase of the panic christmas seems to instill in everyone--to get the perfect present for that particular person before time runs out--or the fact that the end of the year is drawing near and bad things MUST happen. Just because. I don't know what it is. But it sucks, either way.
My end of the spectrum is alright. There was a bit of drama a few days ago, caused by my self, of course. But it was nothing I couldn't handle. Maybe if it had gotten a little deeper, I wouldn't have handled it so well...but it blew over amazingly faster than I figured it would. Leave it up to a mother to make things complicated. And mine is more redneck than many I know, so she complicates things beyond reason. As any of you who read this thing knows, I'm planning on a wedding in early March. Within that planning, I've decided that I want my aunt (my mother's sister) to be at the ceremony. I haven't seen her in years, and I've barely been allowed to talk to her due to some ongoing grudge my mother has toward her over some past event that even I can't remember. And I can't tell her not to be there, at an event that supposed to happen only once in your life, just because my MOTHER doesn't want her there. As far as I can remember, my aunt hasn't done anything to me personally. And what I do remember that happened between her and my mom doesn't seem like something that someone should hold a life-long grudge over. But, that's not my choice. What is my choice is who I want to attend my wedding, so I went ahead and told my mom that I was inviting my aunt and her family. Mom didn't like that too much, and she threatened that if my aunt so much as looked at her wrong, she'd flip on her. I let that drop--I hate listening to my mother bitch about dumb shit, and telling her not to act a certain way is the fastest way to get her bitching.
My aunt wanted to call me and congradulate me on the special occasion that night. Mom doesn't want anyone giving her our number, but I figured that since Mom was at work it would be alright--what she doesn't know won't hurt, right? didn't work out that way. My dumbass forgot to delete the number off the ID before going to bed (at 4 AM, mind you), and mom found it the next morning. Which was funny--the woman never checks the ID if any one of us kids is up when she gets home from work...she just asks us if anyone happened to call during the night and then goes to bed herself. This time, she checked it though. And then proceeded to come down to my room and wake me up at 6:30 AM by yelling her head off at me. That's a rude awakening when you go to bed at after 4 AM. My aunt had it worse though--Mom then turned around and called all the way out to Nebraska, woke my aunt up, and yelled at her over the phone. Then she yelled at me some more.
That probably would have been the end of most of it...but I had to open my mouth and start an argument rather than the yeller vs the yellee (lol)thing that was going on. I told her that I didn't see anything wrong with it, that I want my aunt to be there, and that she had called simply to congradulate me over the phone. It's been a long damn time since I've actually talked to the woman without using a fucking computer screen and keyboard. But, Mom doesn't care about that. What really got me in trouble during the argument was the fact that I told her she was being amazingly childish over the whole thing--she threatened to change our home number and to refuse to give it to anyone but her boyfriend at work. Not even to us kids...who live here. LMAO. She asked me what I thought of that...and I told her that she was acting very childish. That made her start in more than before. And what kicked her completely: She said that my aunt would ruin my wedding, and I couldn't resist asking her that, if she got so hell-bent over a single phone call (that I DID NOT make, btw)then how could I trust her to keep her cool with my aunt there in the SAME ROOM with her during the ceremony and reception? She automatically took it as me saying that she'd be the one to fuck up the wedding.
And she probably would be, for all I know. The woman's getting way beyond the realm of normal-annoying-mother-figure here. Just over that one itty-bitty phone call, from someone who's my blood as well as her own, she basically disowned me. She told me to get out of her house as soon as I could, to not ask her for a damn thing--she said I could walk if I wanted anything (which I usually do anyway)--not to even talk to her! And it went on and on and on that whole damn day. And that night--OMG, here's the killer--she stole the phones. LMFAO...just so no one could call the house while she was at work, and I wouldn't be able to call anyone else. She stole the phones...she put them in the car and took them to work with her. LMFAO....the woman is completely psychotic. And then she says she's not being childish. LMFAO I can't help but laugh like hell everytime I think of it. I called my dad that night (mom forgot one phone that happened to be in the basement) and told him. My first words to him when he picked up the phone was "Mom is a psychotic bitch". I told him all about what had happened, about her stealing the phones...and you know what he did? He laughed so damn hard, he dropped his cell phone into the sink (it was empty lol)...and he kept laughing, even after getting me to calm down. He too thinks she's being childish--either completely childish, or completely psychotic. Everyone does...except for her.
Don't get me wrong, I love my mother. And I don't think she'd actually ruin the wedding. But I do think she'll make it complicated...just because that's what she does. And she's good at it. She enjoys being a big pain in the ass.
She did calm down though. She never did apologize for what she said or did...but I don't expect her to. She never apologizes. And this time, I think it would have lasted a lot longer, just because of the context of it, if Mike hadn't made me write an apology letter to her. Yeah...he made me do it...because I was nowhere near to feeling like I owed HER an apology. And I didn't...I still believe I didn't. But he knew that if neither of us apologized to eachother, it'd keep going, and he didn't want to hear anyone argue or deal with mom being in her sour-ass mood for the rest of the week, so he made ME apologize for something that I was willing to let go on forever. That's one thing I wont do when it comes to Mom--I won't back down from her. I'm not scared of her, and I'm not easily controlled by her. Never have been, never will be. And that's why it's she and I who clash heads quite often. We get along fine until she tries to step in and treat me like I'm 10 years old. Then we fight. And neither apologizes easily. I just did it this time cause Mike asked me to...and I didn't blame him for not wanting to deal with Mom's attitude yet again. She started dishing one out to him, just cause he agreed that she was overreacting--she accused him of being on my 'side' and against her. LOL. So she started talking shit about him...pissed him off...and he didn't want to deal with it anymore. So, I wrote the goddamn letter, taking the blame for everything and saying I was sorry for things I didn't really feel sorry about. It sounded so fake to me...but he read it and said that it would work...and it did. The next morning, she was as sweet as she's ever been. And we haven't spoken of it since.
The only thing we've really talked about was the fact that we might not be able to have the wedding in March afterall. Mike and I might not have the money saved by then. And I don't want to rely on my parents to pay for everything when they have their own financial problems. But when we told mom that, she got upset, and started saying that she'd help--would even take the money out of her taxes when she gets them back in February. I still don't know though. That's why I want a help with what I can.
Anywho, I'm out of here. I've written alot tonight...and Cass is getting impatient. She wants to read what I have to say. LOL So, until next time guys...