Aug 03, 2004 19:47's been a long weekend guys.
Not too much really happened. Right now I feel awful cause I know I'm getting sick with something. My throat started hurting real bad yesterday evening and I woke up this afternoon feeling really sore, stiff, and worn out. Great...the last few weeks of my summer and I have to get sick. I took some of that Dayquil stuff...the citrus kind..and about died gagging to death on it. That stuff is nasty as all hell.
There's been a ton of tension in the air around my house for the last few days. A ton. Mike and I had our first official fight Saturday night. It was strange, and I don't even know why it happened in the first place. He, Dad, and the other guys decided to stay at a hotel Friday night so they could get an early start on the job Saturday morning. They were supposed to be back home Saturday night, but they all decided to stay again cause they had a few minor things to touch up Sunday morning before the building could be considered completely finished. Well...I called at about 9:30 Saturday night to see why they weren't home yet..only to find out they had a big hotel party going on. I told Dad not to let anyone get drunk, cause I knew that if the guys did, they wouldn't want to work the next day. Dad said they all were only gonna have a few beers and that'd be it. He also told me that he'd walk down to the gas station to get a phone card so they could call me from the room (I had called Dennis' cell and the battery was going low cause he forgot to take the charger). Well...3 hours pass. I called back at 12:30, and discovered that the party was still going on, but it had moved from some room down the hall into Dad's and Mike's room. There were about 25 people there, all basically drunk.
But anyway, Mike got on the phone with me, and started flirting like he usually does. I could tell he was feeling his alcohol. But while we were talking, some girl kept coming up to him and yapping, or yelling to other people while standing beside him. I couldn't hear what he was saying and he couldn't hear me. So I told him to go into the room (cause he was out on the balcony), and he told me about the people being in there. So then I told him to go into the bathroom and shut the door cause I hate to be talking to someone when there's a bunch of commotion in the background. Then, that girl came up to him again, and started talking about cologne or something. I asked him who she was, and how old she was (cause she didn't sound like she was old enough to be drinking in the first place) and suddenly, Mike started flipping on me. He began telling me that I don't want him to do anything, that I don't trust him, it's none of my business who's there drinking with them and all that bullshit. I don't know what his problem was, but it started making me mad, because all I did was ask maybe 3 questions about a girl I heard in the background and he got irritated with me. So we ended up arguing for about half an hour on the phone. I told him that I didn't like the idea of them partying out there in the first place when they're supposed to be working, and that if mom found out about the girls being there in dad's room, she'd trip. And all that did was get me a "we're big boys, we can do what we want" and an "I don't care what you like or don't like" out of him.
Anyway, they got home Sunday evening. They never did go to work because the boys got completely smashed, after promising dad that they wouldn't (and i knew that would happen). No one wanted to get up and Dennis and the other Mike had major hangovers. I was really upset with Mike, so I wasn't really talking to him when he got home. And the ass looked at me and asked "what's wrong with you?"....-.- I swear guys love to play dumb. So I told him I didn't like the way he talked to me on the phone. And that only started another argument. He ended up walking off from me, and wouldn't talk. That doesn't make any sense either cause he kept asking me what was wrong with me, then when I bring it up, he got mad at me again. He drank some more that night...and after a few hours of us kinda ignoring eachother we actually got to talking. He had me so stressed out that I actually smoked cigarrettes with Deb. I sat there and had about 4 in a row with her. Maybe that's why my throat hurts.
We talked about it a little that night ( was into the morning before he finally calmed down). I didn't like a lot of the things he said to me. He made it sound like he was ready to give up on us just after one argument...after our FIRST argument. Yesterday was really stressful for us. Until last night...and then he started putting his arm around me and stuff...being a little less uptight. We talked about it some more this morning..and we were actually laughing about it--no hard feelings that time. But it still didn't settle the fact that he was really thinking about calling it quits after just one argument. He said that he hates to argue more than anything...and he feels like we're gonna do a lot of arguing in our future. I don't know where he got that from. I'm thinking it has something to do with my parents...because they've still been going at eachother like crazy for the last few weeks. That hasn't helped to lift anyone's mood. I think he's starting to slip into a type of depression...cause he was saying that he doesn't have faith in himself anymore...that he did...but he suddenly lost it..and now it's hard for him to have faith in anything else.
I don't know. I think I've updated enough already. And dad is about ready to kill me cause he wants the computer so he can play his game. So, I'll catch ya later guys.