Mesa Art and Design -- the Cafepress site of a friend of mine from college
Glassmaking and Glassmakers -- I was researching this for a blog post I did for my company's website, lol.
CS 140 Operating Systems -- a class at Stanford this upcoming quarter that apparently at least one Synner is planning on taking and sounds vaguely intriguing
Polya Lecturers -- an honor from the MAA that one of my former professors received
Math Jobs -- haven't yet put in enough time to tell whether this is actually a useful site or not, and since I'm about to start a new job I won't need to know for a while hopefully? But it looked like it would at least be interesting to poke around, what with half the job listings being in German and all XD
NaNoWriMo Merchandise -- um, yea. I was looking at this. For absolutely no apparent reason :P