I guess I will go down with the ship...

Sep 19, 2010 12:36

In all honesty As a secualr, gay, liberal, college educated person, I can not honestly rationalize voting Republican. And now with this insane right wing fringe taking control of the GOP and wanting to scrap Universal Healthcare "Lite", Social Security and other Social programs that establish America as a proper Developed Country. So I will go down with the Democrat ship I helped steer into power in 2008 leading canvassing groups in VA. I dunno if im going to do as much this time as I did for Coakley who got crushed.. But we will see.

Honestly my opinion is the contest needs to go Nuclear on a national level, using those taticals to cripple key Tea Party canidates in places like DE and AK in order to maintain control of both houses of Congress, Make these Tea baggers!  declare there views on Social Security, the envionment ect..Show the American people now fanatical these people are.. The only way we have a saving grace of holding onto Congress and sheltering America from this crippling insanity is to go all out on the attack. Point out there right wing values and make them answer for them in debates!
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