Well another boring day of life. Work, home, work, home, etc. At lease the net is back...for now. Lets see how long this will last >.>
On other news, my life gets even more shitty. On Saturday of last week, while working, my right ear, in short, explode. First I felt something wet running in my ear. So at first I thought it was ear wax. (stop here if you get sicken out easly). I was getting a cold or flu, whichever it may be. I think its the flu. So I thought the flu may have been the cause of this. So I put my pinky in my ear and pulled it out to only find blood and not nast year wax. Shit. This is the last thing I wanna see anytime soon. When I was younger I had major ear issues and went through hell and back cause of it. With the doctors and so forth. Now looks like I might have to go through Hell again...-sighs-
I went to see a doctor on the next day. Sunday. The doctor was shocked on how bad my ear was infected and that cause of my flu (or whatever the hell I had) cause it to basicly go boom and cause my ear to bleed. So now I have to go see another doctor this coming Wednesday. A Ear, Nose, Mouth specialist. I have a feeling thats when the real bad news will hit. So basicly my future holds this...
1: Go through hell with doctors sticking random shit in my head again without something to num the pain.
2: I'll have to get surgery on my ear which will take me out of work for at lease couple weeks or more which will cause me to be late and behind on bills again which in return I loose everything I worked for.
3: After such surgery and recovery, I'll have to wear a hearing aid for now on most likely so I can hear people stupid people say stupid things at work. Might as well go for the deaf part and save some piece of heaven for my self.
So there you have it, Course things can always go worse but I rather not get into that since most likely it might happen and the sad thing is...it might be something that doesn't have to do with my ear but something a doctor might have fucked up along the way to the ear problem.
"Sorry John. I happen to put a hole in your heart during the surgery."
What!? How the fuck did you get to my heart through my ear!?
"Please don't yell sir. I'm a doctor. I'm here to help you. I know your upset but its nothing we can't fix."
It shouldn't need fixing! My ear is NO where near my heart >.<
"Now now sir. All is fine. We'll get it fix right away."
Many hours later.
"Congrats, we fix your ear and your heart."
"Here is your bill Mr.Wingate. Have a nice day."
-Takes note of being charged for the ear surgery and heart even though they fucked up. Along with it, my ear gets worse couple days later.-
Story ends with me murdering everyone in the hospital and me having a heart attack >.<
On a side note, this post is very old, like, months old lol I was typing this damn post when the work comp decided to go nazi and died on me. I'm amazed LJ saved it x.x
As a update of current events, things have been...well...semi better? Hopefuly we will manage to get everything back up to date and balanced again with bills and etc. Work as always has been hell. Life on SL (second Life) has been nothing but drama due to Arima. Hopefuly in the future, I will get back on WoW. I miss playing my other characters. I wanna level my warlock ;_;
Take the Transformers Quiz I have no clue how I manage this when answering the questions. Not sure if its a good thing or bad.