Dec 30, 2006 11:41
thera-stocking stufferday
In our usual manner of frantic what will we get so and so, to the lasting engorging of 'i can't wait till then' . we met up with family, talked with far off relatives. And now we move into that second mini vacation of a weekend gearing up for Estrella. Which maybe our last for a few...
My mom is in main battling with the state in thier 'we know what is best for your animals then you do' stance. I wished her luck and lots of love. Glad she is making on with life in general.
thera-I promis myself I will (maybe, probably not, but will strive to do)do these things
So last year it was to get a better job... I again have that goal. Seems now that I need a second job.. or something to pay off bills. While I heard the statement of 'we will never be out of debt' from my first wife and to a small extent that was one of the reasons I left her. I find myself in seemingly the same situation. Enxiaty. I must have a goal that include being out of debt. right? I will die someday, and while the state seems fit to be imcompetant with my current funds they take, I hope to be better off then it does. Particulerly when we plan to bring another into the world. Man, I'm old...
So I need to work out. Or rather, for the sitting around I do I seem to eat too much.. Or rather maybe a few too many Java chip fraps... I suppose making a habbit of working out is easyer then say bitching about it later, and hell Michelle would benifit from it as well.
I tinkered (ok pondered in the back of my head while eating carlsJr WBC burgers) of a better diet that included more raw foods. And as I pondered it (along with the combo with fries) it recalls to me that it may also be the habbit we both need.. but maybe in moderation. Michelle still comments on the time my mom ate the steak raw...
I need to be more destructive. Or at least express it somewhere. I recall the times during 1st grade at play-mountain-place where it was not how are your grades and how are you progressing, but what do you want to do and when do you want to do them? And scheduling a time to destroy some milk cartins was as acceptable as creating clay marble machines. A supervisor I once had said that after a few years of marrage you will desire to shoot pigens. I thought of the fragil pigen being blown away and it didn't really click with me. And the process of shooting something into targets seems so detached as well. No, maybe the wiffle bat against the milk cartins seems childish now, but it is more hands on, and less detached.
I have the opertunity to perhaps make some armor and go and beat up on other guys with armor, but that requires money. Well at least in the beginning. I suppose I have time, but as I should be spending that making money or getting done things that have not been done it seems frugil... (but maybe not as much as spending money on a movie)
I need not the money of the plan to eliminate the debt. At least before I die... maybe it will just be life insurance.. but then I need to earn enough to affort the life insurance...
There is not one answere, but the observation from perspective other then the moment reflect upon bring understanding... And while I understand, and this helps to know what needs to be done, it doesn't wash the dishes, and sometimes, that is what needs to happen.