[OOC] HMD and things worth noting.

Dec 06, 2012 22:03

Things to Note About Nick
-He is deaf and mute. He can read and write, and usually communicates through a pad he keeps on his person at all times.
-He can also lipread. King made him impossibly good at lipreading, for the most part; I will probably stick to this, to make communication slightly easier and to keep from having to figure out with every sentence how much would be understood, although I am aware lipreading does not work this well in the real world.
-Unless you are interacting with him in the very beginning of the book or earlier (unlikely but possible), Nick's right eye is bad and will probably be covered by an eyepatch, especially on bright days.
-I will be following King's example for formatting Nick's notes, i.e., they will be given speech tags. ("Hi," he wrote.)

beyondtherift-specific notes
-Nick's Rift-induced change is the ability to astral project. This comes with some caveats: he needs to be able to be comfortable and free of distractions in his physical body, which will enter a trance-like state but can be woken by being physically disrupted (heavy vibrations, being shoved, falling over, whatever), and he in incorporeal in his projection and will need to practice to be visible (until he has it under control it will mainly happen when he is very emotional).
However, his projection is free of all physical handicaps: he can see perfectly, hear perfectly, and speak perfectly. In addition, with practice, Nick will be able to project himself into dreams (along the lines of his appearances in Tom's dreams after his death), where he will be a complete physical presence, but the person he is projecting to will have to be asleep already, and the same caveats to his physical state apply.
At this point, Nick is unaware of his ability. This will be updated as time goes on to reflect his current level of control.
-Nick's journal is a spiral-bound, three-subject notebook.
-Other information will be added as it comes up, as much for the mun's recall as for anyone wondering.

Have a question? Want a plot or a thread with Nick? Want to tell me I'm doing alright? Want to tell me I'm doing terribly? Comments on this entry are screened, or you can PM me, if you prefer. Mun contact is on the profile.
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