musebox | contact post

Jul 29, 2010 17:26

If you have a muse of mine that you'd like to write one-on-one with for whatever reason, feel free to post here using the form below! I am open to brainstorming here or on my AIM screen name ladyphantomhive, if you're having trouble thinking of a particular setting, timeline, etc.

Your Name/LJ Name: Either one is fine so long as I can recognize you, though I would love to add you to my personal LJ if we're RPing together!
Method of RP: Please specify if it will be the musebox, AIM, or email. If it's AIM or email, please leave an AIM user name or email address!
Your Muse's Name/Fandom: Self-explanatory!
Muse(s) You'd Like to Play With: Multiple muses are alright if you're alright with it.
AU or OU/Timeline/Setting: Also self-explanatory!
Other Notes: Anything else you'd like to add.

Your Name/LJ Name:
Method of RP:
Your Muse's Name/Fandom:
Muse(s) You'd Like to Play With:
AU or OU/Timeline/Setting:
Other Notes:

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