Jan 24, 2008 22:54
I feel like there is no other solution to my problem. The escape is not out of my reach but is going to take time. I may smile and laugh at times but a smile only lasts a second. Laughter may be a cure but everything eventually falls back to where it was. I need to get out of here and go to a place that has more life to it. This town is fake like most of the people in it.
I'm lonely and I hate not having anyone to talk to. The ones I do, just related everything back to their own situation. As pathetic as it is, I think its why I get headaches all the time, the lack of talking to someone other than myself.
Work sucked. I don't know.. maybe its the fact that no one gives a shit there especially when it comes to their employees health. I mean really.. whats the worst that could happen if you choke on a dust ball? You die? Its so sickening that people can't even flush the fucking toilet, change the empty toilet paper roll or empty the overflowing garbage that looks like a homeless guys shopping cart. I'm tired of cleaning out the fridge and the shit at the bottom of it when people don't even appreciate it. Recently, I've stopped doing shit because hey I don't feel I need to. As everyone cleaned tonight for the meeting tomorrow, I stood behind the register.