Stolen from
cosmicdancer because I'm avoiding things I actually have to do and I finished the hat I was knitting.
What are your reasons for having a LJ?
I think I joined when I was just getting in to the Harry Potter fandom world and it seemed like where the action was happening.
I try not to think about it but procrastination I suppose.
What would you do with a million dollars?
Probably shopping spree. And pretty yarns. And charity too. yep.
What is the city of your dreams and why?
I don't really know. I like "soft cities" as our tour guide in St. Petersburg put it, like DC and St. Petersburg. I've never been to London but I'd definitely like to go someday. I've been to New York City and I love it but I don't know if I'd want to live there. Too much like living in a box.
Are you an introvert or extrovert?
Definitely an introvert. Although, for some reason, when I first meet people I have the tendency to talk too much and babble. I'm happiest when I'm by myself or with very close friends and I've never really understood the notion of an awkward silence.
What are five things that made you happy lately?
Knitting. Doctor Who. College searching. Project Runway drag queen episode. Being a senior.
Do you trust easily?
I think so. I generally believe people have good intentions. I'm usually willing to give someone who's lost my trust a second chance.
What is your earliest memory?
I have a bunch of memories from living in Sterling that aren't necessarily in any particular order so I'm not sure which is earliest. Most of them are from the year my parents home preschooled me the year before I started kindergarten so I'll pick one from preschool. I would always whine about getting up in the morning and going to preschool, sometimes refusing to get out of my car at morning drop off. Because of this, my teachers dubbed me "The Prima Donna". My mom was really in to Madonna at the time so I heard this as "The Madonna" and asked them why they were calling me that. And the name stuck. So my nickname in preschool was Madonna. And it was a Jewish preschool.
What's your favourite thing about summer?
Having nothing to do and impromptu gatherings.
What do you like to do on rainy days?
Cuddle up somewhere warm and read.
What's your favorite season?
Probably a tie between winter and spring.
What are you in 5 years?
I have absolutely no idea.
Do you have any weird talents?
Not that I can think of.
What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
Wasn't officially tagged but someone who is fun-loving and thoughtful.
People who smile a lot. And cologne. And men who like cats.
Name a food that you absolutely hate.
Green peppers
Which is better: to give or receive?
To give. I hate when at birthday parties, the host saves the present opening for after the party because I love seeing their reaction to the different things they received. It's the same with if I've seen a really good movie and I want to share it with a friend. I have to watch it with them to see their reactions.
What is your oldest userpic and why has it survived when you delete the others?
I think my Ravenclaw one because I still really identify as a Ravenclaw despite the fact that my Harry Potter obsession has dulled.
What is the sweetest compliment you've ever received?
I don't know. Just when anyone notices something I've worked hard on or put thought in to, my outfit or schoolwork or anything else, is really satisfying. When people compliment thing I felt I didn't put enough thought or work into, I always feel like I've cheated them.
Do you believe in love at first sight?
I don't know. I don't that I really understand love at all.
What would you name your kids?
Well, like with most things in my life I'm a practical namer. I like Jacob or Joseph or Joshua for a boy because they're nice names and my grandfather's name was Jerome. For a girl, I like Laila, which means night in Hebrew, or Shoshana or Miriam. Victor Hugo is also a good boy's name b/c it's my grandfather and great-grandfather's name and naming for an author is never a bad idea.