Hello to everyone. I know this seems like a strange title for a blog, but you will see why I titled it what I titled it. I have grown so tired of people's shit, that I have had to resort to this. These are a few rules that everyone will need to know in order to be my friend
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1. Don't judge. If you do, you will never know me and will miss out on a whole lot.
-Although no one tends to have the right to judge you, people do. And, to be perfectly honest, I've judged you myself, and anyone who considers you their friend has judged you, albeit, positively. Regardless, we've all judged you.
2. Don't fuck with me. If you do, I will return it to you tenfold.
3. Don't talk shit behind my back. If you do, I will more than likely find out about it one way or another. I always do and I will get you back for it.
-Dan, I hardly remember you as someone to throw around threats of revenge. And instead of putting all that time and energy into getting someone back, why not just write them off and never speak with them again? It's not as hard as it may seem. Two of my 'best' friends have betrayed me concerning Henry, and even when I have classes with them, and see them every day, it's fairly easy for me to ignore their existance. I'm sure that if I can pull that off, you can too. Don't lower yourself to that petty level. Just ignore them. You're so much better than that.
4. Don't assume that I did something or made you feel like something changed when I didn't do anything. If you do, that will just push you further away from me.
-When it comes to things like this, it takes two people to create a misunderstanding. And if you do something that is misunderstood by another, take responsibility for it and don't pin it on the other person. Example: you and I have been talking much less than we used to. I could take this as "OMGz!!111! Dan hatez meeee and i didnt do nothing!!!111 Hez such a jErK!!11!!" *or* I could take it as "Dan's probably just busy, but just in case, I'll check with him via a LiveJournal post or an IM or something, just to find out what's up." Then again, it could go the other way around as well, with you approaching the person you think you might have a misunderstanding with. You might not have done it intentionally, but then again, when are misunderstandings intentional?
5. Don't try to make me feel like shit for something I didn't do. If you do, I won't feel bad. I won't give a shit. I will know the truth and people who are my friends will know the truth. So have fun trying, because it will all blow up in your face when you admitt that it's not true. Then after that, you won't like me very much.
-Here, again, is that threat of immanent doom should people make you feel a certain way that you don't enjoy. Come on, Dan. You're above this kind of behavior. Threatening to fuck someone's day up if they mess with you is something I would expect from Corey, not from you. I KNOW you can pull off that whole "ignoring the scum bags that try to drag you down" thing.
I know you're fed up with how things have been going, but I honestly believe you can find a better way to solve your problems than resorting to vague threats. You can't force people to stop trying to bring you down, but you can ignore them, and let their attempts be in vain. I go through the same kind of thing at school, with my 'friends' Glori and Vikki always trying to slander my name concerning my bullshit with Henry. You think I let that faze me? Please! It isn't the first time I've gone through this, and it certainly won't be the last. The people who are trying to bring me down are only digging their own graves, and I have enough faith in my friends and the people around to me to see what they're doing for what it is. And I believe you should try to do the same. Dan, to your real friends, you have nothing to prove, so don't try to prove anything.
Love you bunches, hun. I really hope you didn't take offense to anything I've had to say; I certainly didn't mean to if I did. :/
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