I might have made a mistake - I mean only the long run can determine. I received my grant money and immediately invested most of it into a new laptop - BUT I denied the extended warranty for $200 - if I change my mine within 21 days I can get it for an extra hundred - but I won't. The laptop itself was $950 (after the rebates it's only like 900 or a little less) and it's a pretty sweet Compaq presario - I enjoy it. Also I'm currently using other people's wireless service and getting free internet - which is an even trade for the pricey but not too price lappy. I made sure to get something capable of gaming - but I doubt I will use it for up to date games - just some old adventure games I was sad enough to miss out on like Grim Fandango (top of my geek list) and I can shove in max payne for old time sake.
Oh well, I dont know - it's a solid investment if I use it like I plan to - more for school work than fun. I just did some WebCT stuff.
http://webct.valencia.cc.fl.us/ If you go there and maybe refresh a few times - the student picture alternates between I think only 3 students - and one of those is me. They used a picture I didn't want them to - for a reason I wasn't aware they would - and I found out about it from some guy in the bathroom today - OK it's not so bad...I was a little surprised to see it. I'm pretty famous now.
Oh wait - I'm still just an underacheiving loser.