Back to the "real"-ity, and an "auto"-biographical tale.

Jan 12, 2012 21:43

Let myself fall into the addictive falsity of using Facebook as a "blog" for too long, so trying to get back into the habit of rejoining the LJ world and posting back on this blog. Especially, since I never have managed to complete my own personal site/blog. Actually surprised that a Russian hacker hasn't taken it over due to inactivity.

It may be infrequent, but I'll try to post a little more regularly.
The more things change, the more they stay the same. Owners currently out of town this week, and already had a lot on my plate before they left. So it has been a extremely hectic week. Luckily have my own break coming up week after next (first in 6 months) and it couldn't come any sooner...

This morning stopped off at 7-11 to pick up a Dr. Pepper. Locked the door, went into the store.

When I walked out to my car, was shocked when I went to unlock my door and the key wouldn't work.

Because it had been that sort of week, I actually did check to make sure I wasn't trying to use the office key to open my car door. Had the right key. Give it another try, same result, door doesn't unlock. Great! The left rear blinker on my car went out on Monday, but have been working from pre-sunrise to post-sunset, so waiting for the weekend to tend to that. So, seemed appropriate that this would be the week my car starts falling apart.

Then I remembered the rear door on the drivers side was unlocked. So opened it and reached in to unlock the driver-side door.

Gave the door a brief once-over when I got to the office, but it was way too cold out to troubleshoot, so just went inside to get on with the day.

After another long day dragged on too long, left that evening. Decide I'll give the door another try before starting to get into the habit of having to unlock the driver door via the passenger side first.

Turn the key, same result, won't open. About to walk around to the passenger side when the lightbulb flashes. Let me turn it the other way...

Try it and Voila! Door opens.

Just for some reason, my brain decided this morning to start unlocking my door by turning the key the wrong way.
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