The most apt description for tonight can be found in my favorite lyrics from Wilco.
"Music is my savior and I was MAIMED BY ROCK N' ROLL"
It was just absolutely amazing, totally worth the 20 year wait to see them live. I'd tell you what the setlist was, but the entire set was a jackhammer of delicious noise melting my brain. And that was before we even got to the Holocaust, the 15-minute long jam of distortion that makes up the middle portion of 'You Made Me Realise'.
Trust me, even with earplugs, you could hear the sound waves pushing against the limits of your hearing. If you attended the concert without any aural protection, I weep for you.
The opening acts were a mixed bag. Josh Pearson was great, but only had about 3 songs to play, and last 15 minutes of the set was completely disorganized, including a bit of a cover of MBV's "Only Shallow". And Kurt Heasley, while he was good, it just wasn't a good setting for an accoustic act, in between 2 sonic assaults. He also suffered from a disheveled setlist, and busted guitar string. But it was all just appetizers to the entree.
I'd say more, but my mind is still trying to recover from the Holocaust. Try to imaging what it is like to be a Sonicare toothbrush being blasted by a jet engine in the middle of a hurricane. Just wave after wave of sound blasting every inch, your skin vibrating from the feedback. Intense is an understatement.
I'll post the remaining photos from the show tomorrow night.
Remember if you are going to ROCK, wear protection.