SGA: The Real World

Aug 20, 2006 22:06

This episode starts out with Weir in a hospital. We havent a clue as to why or any indication of such. So you are forced to play along a while. They bring O'Neil on for a cameo appearance which was kinda nice. Further along in the episode we find out that she is actually on SGA and is infected by the replicating nanites from the last episode. Apparently when she was strangled for those few seconds, he implated nanites into her bloodstream. Ok, I knew the replicators would come into play later but didnt know they would be back to back episodes. Ok, so maybe the general populace is getting bored with vampiric enemies?

We need to take those nanites and reprogram them as McKay has shown he can do. While he is reprogramming them, have there subspace link channel changed and/or encrypted so the others cannot communicate via that channel. What would this technology be used for? Umm building ZPM's!! LOL. Anyways, as usual, the SGA team beats great odds.

One bonus to this episode is that it digs a bit more into Weirs past and builds her character a bit more.

Oh the previews for next week show that another old enemy comes out of the woodwork AGAIN. I'm in the "lets wait and see" pattern.

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