My movie in the Czech Republic?!

Mar 11, 2006 16:44

I just found this article on a Czech Republic film site. It was dated 5/1/2005. They talk about some independent films, one of them being my own movie, Gunpoint.

I don't know if they were prasing Gunpoint or talking shit about it. I'd bank on the latter. But I don't care! My movie was one of the subjects in an article on a film site in the Czech Republic! That's just pretty fucking neat.

Edit: It seems like they are complementing it and giving a few critiques. The title of the article and the list of movies included are helpful clues. The free translator helped a little, but was very broken in grammar and vocabulary. Those movies that were listed on there are known as being among the best short action films on the internet last year. It's just a great feeling to have a film mentioned among the top action shorts. Even if it's from a far off country.

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