Overheard tidbits

Apr 11, 2007 14:34

Conductor, as rap music blares through speakers: Yo, this is a shout-out to all my niggas keepin' it real on the 1 train. Takin' the 1 to the Bronx at four a.m. -- that's gangsta, son!
--Bronx -bound 1 train

Sister: What's with all the celebs trying to adopt kids from every different country in the world?
Brother: I don't know. It's getting old already -- it's almost like they are doing it because it's the 'in' thing to do. It's ridiculous... I mean, take Oprah, for instance -- she builds schools and homes for them and leaves them in their natural habitat. I think it's better that way.
--Flight to NYC

Hobo to entire platform: You've seen cripple fights. You've seen hobo boxing. Now prepare yourselves for rich white assholes pushing to get on the train. [Train pulls in.] Briefcases may be used as shields. Good luck, folks.
--4/5 platform, Union Square

Thug to tourist taking picture: Yeah, bitch, I'm in your picture! I'm in your picture! Put it on MySpace, bitch!
--W 34th & 7th

Thug to his baby, after carrying her stroller down the subway steps: Woo-hah, I got you all in check.
--6 train station, 59th St

Bimbette: So, balls are always -- and, like, totally not in a sexual way -- but balls are always hitting me in the face.
--Line at Upright Citizens Brigade

Nine-year-old boy on cell: It's not that I don't understand your vision, I just don't agree with it.
--Bus stop, 79th & 5th

Guy with Jamaican accent: Women be causin' the men to be committin' adultery. Women be causin' the men to be lustin' after the butt. Women need to put their butt back into their pants. Women, you need to cover your butt, or it will be covered in fire.
--4 train
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