Sep 04, 2005 10:28
10 Favorites...
Favorite Color: blue
Favorite Food: meat
Favorite Bands/Singers: nine inch nails, metallica
Favorite Songs: La mer, Welcome home
Favorite Movie: Boondock Saints
Favorite Sport: skiing
Favorite Season: winter
Favorite Day Of the Week: saturday
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: moose tracks
Favorite time of the day: evening/night
9 Currents...
Current Mood: meh
Current Taste: orange toothpaste
Current Clothes: shorts and t-shirt
Current Desktop Picture: "neuron" from digitalblasphemy
Current Toenail Color: toenail
Current Time: 10:34
Current Surroundings: dorm, compy, lindsay's picture
Current Annoyance(s): people who leave their clothes in the washer in the laundry room
Current Thought: 26 days
8 Firsts...
First Best Friend: Jeff Kusch
First Kiss: Jessica
First Screen Name: arkolbus
First Pet: Babar
First Piercing: none
First Crush: i don't remember
First Music: sublime
First Car: '04 tore-ass
7 Lasts...
Last Cigarette: never
Last Drink: water
Last Car Ride: the house back to the dorms
Last Kiss: Lindsay
Last Movie Seen: Stand and Deliver
Last Phone Call: Lindsay
Last CD Played: what's a CD?
6 Have You Evers....
Dated One Of Your Best Friends: yes
Have You Ever Broken the Law: yes
Been Arrested: no
Skinny Dipped: yes
Been on TV: yes
Kissed Someone you didnt know: no
5 Things....
You're Wearing: shorts, tshirt, boxers
You've Done Today: woke up, brushed teeth, cleaned up my backpacking stuff, checked laundry room, took a stupid livejournal quiz thing
You Can Hear Right Now: music, typing, us-41
You Can't Live Without: Lindsay, food, water, shelter, music
You Do When You're Bored: read, take dumb lj quizzes, facebook, listen to music, think
4 Places You've Been...
1. Europe
2. Chicago
3. Isle Royale
4. New York
3 People You Can Tell Anything To.
1. Lindsay
2. Lindsay
3. Lindsay
2 Choices...
1. Black or White: Black
2. Hot or Cold: Cold
1 Thing You Want to Do Before you die: Live life to the fullest