Apr 19, 2005 21:42
just scheduled mathlab hours for next semester, and it looks like in addition to being a lab consultant for 4 hrs/week, I'll be a TA for 2 lab sections, calc 2 on tuesday and calc 1 on friday. sounds interesting, not sure what to expect. paycheck should be decent though :). looking at my schedule next semester makes me think i'm a math major... 2 classes a week (6 hours), 6 hours of TA work (3 hrs for each section), and 4 hours as a consultant in the math lab. crazy, but cool I guess. after all, I do have the math minor.
in other news... two exams tomorrow, neither of which really matter that much. I need a 64 on my diffeq exam to finish with an A and not have to take the final, and the DSP exam is practice for the final--it replaces our lowest test score if we do well on it, but if not then it doesn't count against us. I should get back to studying for diffeq though. Meh
my eye is mostly better, so thats good. hasn't bothered me since sunday, woot.
not much else going on besides all that, been really warm recently, so that's been nice. really looking forward to this summer :). time to get going and study some more.
later kids