[A smile means she's not too miserable at the idea of being stuck in her room, company or no. He'll give a couple knocks on the door once he gets there.]
[She says softly, still immersed in her picture. It seems like she has been at this a while, considering the amount of pictures scattered across her sheets. Though she begins to pick them up as he enters, he should be able to catch a glimpse of the various monsters she has been drawing. They should be familiar, considering they're the common occurrences around Silent Hill.]
[He comes in once invited, closing the door after. When he catches sight of one of those drawings though, he's rather surprised, if tense. Why would you want to draw those things?]
[She nods, wrinkling her nose at the picture of pyramid head as she grabs it.]
I ran out of things to draw, so I thought maybe I could draw the monsters around... then we can show the new people what they're like so they know which ones they should avoid.
[She falls quiet, the soft sound of her pencil dragging against the sheet of her notebook paper being the only background noise.]
You're drawing again?
[Stupid question. Now what.]
Well, let me know if any heartless show up again. I'll be patrolling around for a little bit, I guess.
[She ends the voice post at that, but a few seconds later she begins recording again, her tone suddenly much softer.]
... if you aren't-- uhm... busy... I wouldn't mind some company...
[She's quick to add:]
b-but if you don't want to I'd understand...
I'll come by if you'd like.
... I would.
[There's a definite smile in her voice as she responds.]
[A smile means she's not too miserable at the idea of being stuck in her room, company or no. He'll give a couple knocks on the door once he gets there.]
[She says softly, still immersed in her picture. It seems like she has been at this a while, considering the amount of pictures scattered across her sheets. Though she begins to pick them up as he enters, he should be able to catch a glimpse of the various monsters she has been drawing. They should be familiar, considering they're the common occurrences around Silent Hill.]
...Keeping busy, I see.
I ran out of things to draw, so I thought maybe I could draw the monsters around... then we can show the new people what they're like so they know which ones they should avoid.
That's pretty smart. In case more people show up, they'll be better of then we were.
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