[The video is sideways, as the phone was laid on its side. That doesn't change the fact that it's been angled, maybe even purposely, toward the open door of the bathroom. At the moment, there's a very large country man destroying the porcelain of the sink, just by putting all his weight and strength into pounding it off of its supports. It takes
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I read brochure. Tell me, do you know where America is~? Because dis sounds a lot like American place, da?
[grips the pipe in his hand, vid's not sideways anymore. And he's still smiling.]
[ She knew that America was a country, thanks to her need to know everything about this new world. But... what was he asking?
Have a confused Ino, who can hardly understand your accent and not knowing why you're smiling. This is Hell, dude. Look around. ]
America is a country, stupid, not a person.
...do you not know who you speak to? [there's a dangerous tint to the childlike voice]
She heard: You {blahblah} know {hurrhurr} speak to? ]
Apparently not, but you don't seem to understand that America is not a person.
[Maybe she'll be a bit more polite now that she understands...]
Maybe he's outside, further into town. [ Mentally unstable people were horrible liabilities, Ino had learned back home. She was doing everyone a favor, leading this lunatic to his death. ]
...May-be, da? You really t'ink so?
[He looks like he's thinking about it]
Hmmm...I will go see~ But if you have somet'ing bad planned for me, I'm afraid dat I'm going to heff to hurt you~
[His smile seems brighter after he says that.]
Nonetheless, Ino pretends like nothing's wrong. Because that's how she rolls. And she still can't understand him. ]
You can trust me. I save villages for a living.
[ Now she feels a little bad, but honestly? She didn't want to have to save him in the future. ]
...girly? T'ere were nasty dogs outside. Eff you do not wish to end up like t'ey did, and don't t'ink you won't, because I will find you, t'en you had better tell me. Whose doing is this, where can I find them, and why do t'ose animals heff no eyes.
[Hint-hint: the blood on his pipe and clothes? Isn't his.]
And she's a little terrified, but she won't admit it. ]
I probably should have warned you about those...
Nobody knows anything except that the Order brought us here and our powers are gone.
I am not stupid. You never intended to warn me. Because you do not seem to know how t'ings work wit' countries, I won't kill you dis time, da?
What is your name, girly?
Go clean yourself off before you lure something in with the scent of your blood.
[ She doesn't understand what he's saying, so she just ignores that first part because his accent was really beginning to ignore her. ]
And stop calling me girly.
You know. I t'ink I like 'Girly' better~
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