So... hi?

Oct 20, 2017 23:22

I'm not that active at LJ/DW anymore besides my mod duties for
rounds_of_kink/rounds_of_kink, and we're getting ready to have the Halloween Mini-Round!! Come and check out the prompts for the round!

And since it's Friday, I thought I'd participate in

1. What book frightened you as a young person?
2. If you had to become a ‘living book (i.e. able to recite the contents of a book cover to cover upon request - reference Fahrenheit 451), what book would it be?
3. What movie or TV show scared you as a kid?
4. What movie (scary or otherwise) will you never ever watch?
5. Do you have any phobias?

1. Really, I wasn't scared of much as a kid. I used to consume horror books like crazy, especially RL Stine and others when I was really young, lol. It really had no bearing on my life. I was more afraid of things that expressed loss than I was of blood or gore.

2. Hmm... this is hard, because I don't really have a true favorite book. I have favorites depending on mood, but I guess if I had to be one book, it would be a book of poems by Rumi. I love them beyond reason.

3. The movie that freaked me out most as a kid was Alien, but I think that was because I walked in on my dad watching it just as the chest bursting scene happened, lol. It still freaks me out, every time I watch those movies.

4. A movie that I would NEVER watch? Saw or any of the sequels. I have no use for torture porn - I don't care how good people think the movies might be. I prefer horror that is more classic :)

5. Not true phobias, I don't think. At least I don't think they are. I have a goal to go bungee jumping in New Zealand, just to test my very health fear of unreasonable heights... But again, things I fear are more reality based, and loss is still one of the biggest. Especially loss of my family or friends.

Crossposted with Dreamwidth here:


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