Jul 10, 2017 12:00
- Sun, 13:14: RT @ EddieMcClintock: Had the pleasure of meeting Nelsan. He was a genuinely nice human. Safe travels. @ OfficialNelsan RIP #NelsanEllis
- Sun, 13:20: RT @ thehill: Maddow warns: Media being sent forged spy documents that claim to show Trump-Russia collusion https://t.co/J3i4ZqNWXq https://…
- Sun, 13:42: RT @ thehill: Hundreds of voters un-register fearing their info will be shared with Trump's voter fraud commission https://t.co/m8QDKVbhiU h…
- Sun, 13:43: RT @ washingtonpost: With tensions high, Pentagon flies bombers over Korean Peninsula in show of force https://t.co/gylfYweC9t
- Sun, 13:44: RT @ JaneEspenson: Brilliant! Centrifugal force! All moms need to do this! MT @ ZooBorns: Eastern Black Rhino spins to deliver her calf. http…
- Sun, 14:36: RT @ ChelseaClinton: Does anyone else think President Trump might benefit from reading Aesop's Fables? The Cat, The Rooster & The Mouse? The…
- Sun, 14:36: RT @ NathanFillion: You found it! And then you found me. Well done. Thank you, @ vamp, for your help today.… https://t.co/VmqUjHDAJY
- Sun, 14:37: RT @ whittingham96: there are two kinds of superheroes https://t.co/s2vZ46EB0C
- Sun, 14:38: RT @ thehill: McCain: Putin could help in cyber partnership because he's the one doing the hacking https://t.co/4q6nuQdxaN https://t.co/99ny…
- Sun, 14:38: RT @ washingtonpost: Bahrain is stripping dissidents of their citizenship, and the U.S. is silent https://t.co/5I094Okjt3
- Sun, 14:39: RT @ CuteEmergency: Mood https://t.co/UyJyQQmVnp
- Sun, 14:39: RT @ adamlambert: They may not be able to play #TwoFux on the radio (f bombs) but I'm happy you guys can stream the fuck out of it! #thefutu…
- Sun, 14:39: RT @ morningmika: Graham unloads on Trump: Blind spot on Russia 'undermining his entire presidency' https://t.co/LHkRVuH7vK
- Sun, 14:42: RT @ adamlambert: https://t.co/yEtClTfHr6 via @ Esquire
- Sun, 14:46: RT @ JessicaSimpson: It happens to the best of us @ WholeFoods https://t.co/Vo5ekewF8S
- Sun, 14:55: RT @ ZacharyQuinto: cannot get enough. 🕺🏻🍰🕺🏻 @ Mexico https://t.co/hWMxe1byst
- Sun, 14:56: RT @ AndyRichter: At some point he is going to blurt out "why would I try to stop someone who was helping me get elected?"
- Sun, 14:56: RT @ matthewamiller: Trump will feud with someone forever over a personal slight, but if you violate the nation's sovereignty, let's let byg…
- Sun, 14:58: RT @ nytimes: Hundreds of thousands of protestors arrived in Istanbul after a three-week march to deliver a message to Erdogan https://t.co…
- Sun, 15:00: RT @ thehill: Iraqi leader claims victory over ISIS after three years of fighting in Mosul https://t.co/mKpzrT3LAr https://t.co/8lYBcyObKs